Whilst a car is not essential, we throughly recommend renting one whilst on holiday so that you can make the most of your time exploring this beautiful area. For those of you who really do not wish to drive, we can ask a local guide take you out and about, with a personal holiday itinerary planned just for you.
Can you recommend a good car rental company?
One of the best we have found is AutoEurope - they will search over 40 different car hire companies and get you the very best price.
We have plenty of safe parking at The Hideaway
Which are your nearest airports?
Our nearest airports are : Ancona (90 mins drive), Pescara (90 mins drive), Rome Ciampino (180 mins drive),
Rome Fiumicino (200 mins drive), Rimini (150 mins drive), Florence (240 mins drive) and Bologna (180 mins drive).
Which airlines fly to your local airports?
Our local airports are served by Ryanair, EastJet, Jet2, Meridiana,
Can you pick us up from the airport?
Yes - we can enquire for you about airport transfers, no problem, just let us know.
Where is the nearest train station?
Is there a bus service to The Hideaway?
The bus does not come along our lane but the local bus from Comunanza connects the nearby villages including Amandola and Sarnano. Comunanza is a very pretty 3km walk. For the bus timetable from Rome see here.
Yes, we have a local bike rental company who can provide mountain bikes, bike racks for your car, helmets and maps.
The Hideaway